Yogi Adityanath government makes use of loudspeakers without permission illegal | Oneindia News

2018-01-08 226

The Yogi Adityanath led Uttar Pradesh government has decided not to let the use of loudspeakers in Mosques, Temples, Churches and other public places without permission. The order comes in compliance with the directive of the Allahabad High Court. The Principal Secretary Home Arvind Kumar has issued a circular in this regard to district magistrates and district police chiefs to ensure compliance of the High Court order. The circular directs the officials to ensure that prior permission for the use of loudspeakers is taken and sound should not be more than 10 decibel at public places and 5 decibels at private. Following the High Court order, the ADG Law and Order Anand Kumar, who is also Acting DGP, issued orders to all SSPs and SPs to conduct a survey on religious places and identify those using loudspeakers without permission.